With the heat and humidity we’ve been having here on the East coast you would think that summer is already here. Don’t despair, think of this weather as an opportunity to stay inside where it is air conditioned and participate in some of the upcoming Ruby Hangouts!
Last month we were extremely fortunate to have with us John Athayde, of The Rails View fame. John gave an exremely useful talk on organizing the view layer of Rails. Some of the topics he touched on included dealing with legacy code, things you should avoid doing, the amazing and awesome power of SASS/SCSS, the usefulness of presenters and useful ways of organizing and re-using your code through partials.
After his talk John answered numerous audience questions ranging from things to do when you come on to an ugly project that has 1000 line view files, the good and bad of twitter bootstrap to what to do when you are a developer and you don’t have access to a designer. It is definitely worth watching the whole talk here.
Next month we have Brian Cardarella who will be talking about some of the amazing gems that his company, Dockyard, maintains as well as Ember.js.
The Picks
- Dotenv – A project for loading environment variables
- Extfs – Working with linux drives from OSX
- Ruby on Sails – Day of sailing before Rubyconf.
- Raspberry Pi – $25 computer for hacking
- Upgradingtorails4 – A book by Andy Lindeman on upgrading your app to rails 4.
- The Phoenix Project – A book on project management that highlights what “not to do.”
- Angularjs – Best javascript framework out there.
- Virtus – Ruby objects on steroids.
- Artemis – Bridge spaceship simulator.
- Food Fight Show – Best devops podcast out there.
- Spaceteam – Multiplayer iphone game.
- Crafting Rails Applications – 2nd edition of Jose Valim’s great book.
- Sync – Gem for real time rails partials.